Exploring Diversity, Belonging, Equity & Inclusion (DBEI) in AEDP
-an introductory dialogue facilitated by Dr. Maria Angelina & Dr. Michele Bowers
Over the last several years, DBEI (diversity, belonging, equity and inclusion) issues have been a focus within the AEDP Institute. As AEDP Vancouver re-ignites, we’re interested in furthering a DBEI dialogue within our AEDP community here in BC.
An initial meeting for those who are interested in exploring DBEI. Some possible topics for ongoing exploration:
- decolonizing therapeutic practice
- deconstructing the theoretical underpinnings of AEDP from an anti-racism lens
- AEDP & intersectionality
- how do we integrate DBEI into our AEDP therapeutic practice
- allyship
Date: Sunday, May 26th from 10am-12pm
Location: This will be a virtual meeting on Zoom.
Two New Opportunities!
Emotion Education 101™
An 8 week live online course
Next course begins Monday, January 15, 2024, 7:00 - 8:30pm PST
Want to learn how to navigate your emotions to have a deeper connection with yourself and others? Join us!
This course is a profound and supportive learning process to understand your emotions and defences, in order to allow you to move toward your authentic and open-hearted self. You will gain knowledge, skills and practices to reside in your open-hearted self, more easily and more of the time.
Based on the award-winning book, It’s Not Always Depression, by Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW.
Together we will explore how to:
Form a positive relationship to strong emotions.
Understand your brain in order to regulate the roots of anxiety, depression and other mental health challenges.
Support others in your life, including partners, friends and children, to process their emotions.
Use a simple and effective tool - The Change Triangle - to navigate emotions and emerge with greater connection to oneself and others.
Begins Tuesday, JANUARY 16, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm PST
Learn how to navigate your emotions to have a deeper connection with yourself and others. You can learn the skills to be more open and present to your feelings.
Laura is a Counsellor in private practice in North Vancouver and in process of becoming certified as an AEDP therapist. She graduated with her Masters in Social Work from the University of British Columbia and went on to study somatic and attachment-based approaches to resolve trauma. Laura is excited to facilitate this course due to her steadfast belief in the power of our core emotions to connect us to our genuine self.
The Healing Power of AEDP: Viewed Through the Lens of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
Early Bird Rate available until May 8th at midnight (Eastern time)
This workshop is specifically crafted for EFT-trained therapists interested in AEDP, and features extensive video examples from therapy sessions. I will explain and demonstrate AEDP theory and interventions, using language familiar to EFT therapists. We will explore commonalities and differences between the two models. Unique aspects of AEDP will be highlighted, and participants will learn how these can applied to deepen and expand EFT practice with both individuals and couples.
Together, we will witness the power of AEDP in action, while tracking and discussing the change processes at play. We will explore the potential for synergy between AEDP and EFT. Participating therapists will discover new ways to accelerate change, heal attachment wounds, and nurture a felt sense of security that clients take with them into their lives!
For more information or to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-healing-power-of-aedp-viewed-through-the-lens-of-eft-registration-274523837187