A Soulful Warrior’s Six Session AEDP Journey to Transformation

Presented by: Jerry Lamagna, LCSW

Vancouver, BC

FEBRUARY 21 - 22, 2020

For more information about this workshop visit: AEDP Institute

Falling in Love with State One:

For clinicians who would like to broaden their AEDP practice by increasing their comprehension of state 1 in the four-state transformational model.

Workshop Description:

State 1 in the four-state transformational model of AEDP constitutes both the red light phenomena of defenses and emotion-inhibiting affects such as anxiety, shame and guilt, as well as the green light signals of transformance drive (e.g., resilience, motivation to heal). States 2, 3 and 4 embody softening of defenses to allow for the processing to completion of core affective experiences, successive rounds of metaprocessing and the emergence of core state (i.e., new understandings and truths about the self).

Inevitably, we want to accompany our clients passed the murkiness of defense-laden state 1 experiences to the break- through healing phenomena of subsequent states. Within this trajectory, state 1 often gets a bad rap. Clinicians feel disheartened, stymied, if much of their ongoing sessions with clients remain in state 1. In this context, we may question our self-efficacy as psychotherapists and approach sessions with ambivalence, anxiety or self-doubt. We sometimes experience a lack of accomplishment or a sense of personal failure when we remain, time and time again, in the muddled waters of state 1.

Through both didactic discourse as well as through the presentation of video recordings of sessions, this workshop will help clinicians to:

  • dispel some of the myths about state 1

  • appreciate and grasp the profundity of this first transformational state

  • embrace the intricacies, nuances and richness of state 1

  • work more effectively in state 1 by broadening one’s skill set and developing more tools

In this workshop, I share my personal journey of falling in love with state 1 and invite you to do so as well.

Presenter Bio: Dr. Maria Angelina, RCC. I am a clinical counselor working both in post-secondary and in private practice in Vancouver, B.C. I have over 15 years counseling experience and am a certified AEDP therapist and supervisor. My foray into the AEDP world started with my doctoral research which aimed to better understand the attachment processes within psychotherapy. Like many, I immediately found and continue to "find home” in AEDP as my therapeutic orientation. Within this modality, I have felt a deepening, a honing of skills, a grounding into self and other, a releasing into process, into relationship, a synchrony, all of which continue to feel infinitely meaningful and creative. I can say with certainty, I am in every way a better person, partner, parent, and psychotherapist because of AEDP. Since undertaking the immersion, I have completed Essential Skills 1 & 2, Core Training, and have assisted at multiple AEDP courses, workshops, and trainings. Additionally, I have presented my AEDP clinical work and research at several psychotherapy conferences. I look forward to connecting with participants in our growing Vancouver community.

Date & Time: November 16, 2019 from 9am-3pm

Prerequisite: AEDP Immersion (or equivalents such as AEDP individual or group supervision; Core training; Essential skills; or Advanced AEDP skill courses)

Getting to the Heart of Change
              Fostering Attachment Security Through AEDP:
              Within and Beyond the Therapy Relationship  

"I feel inspired by Richard's skillful and sophisticated blending of teaching, case material, and experiential exercise, demonstrating and bringing to life key AEDP concepts. The 'learner in me' feels anchored by his solid and orienting organizational framework, and gratitude for the learning path he provided.” — Registered Psychologist, Vancouver, BC

A Two Day workshop
September 26th & 27th, 2019
         Vancouver, BC          

Are you seeking to help your clients come into deeper and more authentic connection with self and others?This workshop features extensive use of video from actual therapy sessions. We will view excerpts that span the course of treatment with clients who present with various attachment strategies, and track their change processes over time. Richard will teach and demonstrate specific interventions that help clients relinquish anxious and avoidant strategies and revise inner working models.

Participants will learn and practice effective skills to deepen the therapy bond and facilitate new experiences of emotion in connection. Together, we will explore powerful AEDP change mechanisms that foster a sense of felt security that clients take with them into their lives!

The workshop is well suited to therapists who are new to AEDP as well as people more experienced in the model who want to further enrich and refine their practice.

Learning Goals and Objectives Upon completing this workshop, participants will be able to:- Recognize and understand anxious and avoidant attachment strategies; and respond to these in ways that foster earned security.- Leverage the healing potential of the therapeutic relationship through explicit relational interventions.- Facilitate and deepen emotional processing.- Use judicious self-disclosure to co-regulate anxiety, detoxify shame, and enhance corrective emotional experiences.- Expand, enrich, and consolidate moments of change for the better through meta-therapeutic processing, thereby augmenting positive neuroplasticity.

The workshop incorporates:- Engaging lecture and interactive discussion.- Video examples of AEDP therapy sessions with clients with different attachment presentations.- Small group experiential activities

Richard Harrison, PhDCertified AEDP Therapist & SupervisorCertified EFT Therapist & Supervisor

Richard Harrison, PhD

Certified AEDP Therapist & Supervisor

Certified EFT Therapist & Supervisor

About Richard

Richard Harrison is a Registered Psychologist with over 20 years of experience as a clinician, educator, and group facilitator. He was trained and supervised in AEDP by Dr. Diana Fosha, founder of the model, and he has taught with her at international trainings. Richard is known for his warmth, clarity, and engaging style as a presenter. He teaches and supervises graduate students in Counselling Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia and maintains a full clinical caseload with individuals and couples at the Vancouver Couple & Family Institute. He has authored publications on psychotherapy, therapist self-care, and supervision in professional journals. Richard genuinely delights in helping people grow and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

AEDP for Couples: Transforming Relationships through Healing Relational Deprivation and Trauma

an AEDP Vancouver Seminar
with David Mars, PhD

This course is for Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Psychiatrists, Psychoanalysts, Social Workers, Counselors, MFTs, MD’s, Nurses, Creative Arts Therapists, Masters and Doctoral students and interns in mental health and the healing arts and sciences.

The movement from fear to love and from survival to thriving, is the expression of transformance: the indwelling biological drive to evolve. (Fosha 2008, Mars 2011).

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is a somatically-based model of psychotherapy with roots in attachment theory, interpersonal neurobiology, emotion theory and transformational studies. David Mars, Ph.D. has expanded upon Dr. Diana Fosha’s model to develop AEDP for Couples, which treats the relational trauma and deprivation that often underlies dysfunctional patterns in couple’s lives. By creating a safe container within which even highly dysregulated couples can learn to thrive together, AEDPfC helps to create nutritive experiences of somatically-based responsiveness between partners that begin in the first session.

David will illustrate how to work with couples to build bridges of relational safety and intimacy that generate increased earned secure attachment. Clinical videotapes of treatment sessions over time will demonstrate the transformative processes central to AEDPfC. David will help you to quickly identify and more effectively treat deactivating (avoidant) and hyper-activating (anxious/ambivalent) attachment patterns. He will highlight the therapist’s use of self in working with chronically traumatized and reactive couples. This workshop will feature unique methods of detecting and amplifying the greatest strengths of each couple member through cultivating moment-to-moment whole body awareness within each couple member and the therapist as well. In these ways the therapist’s own somatic awareness and joy in the work grows and thrives right along with the couple.

By attending this seminar, you will be able to:

  • Name the four states of AEDP

  • Identify three ways to begin to establish a secure base in the first session of treatment

  • Describe two ways to regulate emotional reactivity in each couple member when either is triggered

  • Name the Seven Channels of Experience (Sensation, Emotion, Energetic, Movement, Auditory, Visual and Imaginal)

  • Use the earliest signs of hyper-reactivity and dorsal vagal response to discover the access points to treat underlying trauma.

  • Cultivate and expand upon your own inner gifts as a therapist.

  • Facilitate healing portrayals that can bring lasting relief of buried traumatic wounding.

  • Bring more peace, justice and respectful recognition into couples daily lives.


David Mars, Ph.D. is the developer of AEDP For Couples. He has specialized in the somatically focused treatment of couples and groups for four decades, as an innovator in developing process-oriented, somatically, and empathically focused couple treatment. David has trained, supervised and consulted with Dr. Diana Fosha, the originator of AEDP since 2005.

David develops and presents training seminars and workshops nationally and internationally that focus on the AEDP for Couples model. He is the lead supervisor of the AEDP for Couples Core Training. He teaches at AEDP Immersion Courses, the Essential Skills Program and leads two ongoing AEDP for Couples supervision groups. He is one of the founders of AEDP West. David is also on the adjunct faculty of the California Institute for Integral Studies in San Francisco where he infused AEDP into his teaching of courses on the Clinical Relationship.

David’s style as a presenter is described as inspiring, warm and deeply personable. He quickly evokes trust from his audiences, which ushers in a deep level of transparent exchange of ideas and points of view about how therapists can more effectively treat the historical trauma and deprivation that underlies marital dysfunction. Perhaps most importantly, participants are moved to apply what they learn in these training programs, due to the depth of experience they take in while witnessing videos, live demonstrations and engaging in experiential practices.


Note: If you are new to AEDP we recommend attending the following introductory workshop on the evening of September 21/18. You may also attend the evening on it's own. 

Healing Attachment Wounds: Introduction to Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) 

Friday, September 21, 2018 - 7:00 - 9:00 pm

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) engages clients in the process of healing from the first moment of therapy. AEDP focuses on somatic experience, emotion and the therapy relationship to melt defences, process emotion that is frozen and awaken innate healing energy. The speaker will present the four-state model of change and the very unique elements that AEDP brings that accelerate healing. Videotape of a therapy session will demonstrate how the therapist applies AEDP with a client to help him move from a distant and defended stance to softening and the release of emotion. You will leave this two-hour workshop with some practical and powerful skills for your work as a therapist. For more information on AEDP see www.aedpinstitute.org

DALE TRIMBLE, MA, RCC Senior Faculty, AEDP Institute

DALE TRIMBLE, MA, RCC Senior Faculty, AEDP Institute

TRANSFORMING TRAUMA through FIERCE LOVE: Using the AEDP Therapist's Bold, Embodied Presence


SueAnne Piliero, PhD

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2018 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Being an AEDP therapist requires not just learning the theory or the techniques, but also building the knowledge, awareness, and capacity within our SELFs to “be with” and “stay with,” the depth of emotional pain, shame, anger, grief, unbearable aloneness...

It requires a strong therapeutic presence; leading boldly, fiercely advocating and championing our patients in a verbally and affectively explicit way; finding and “gluing the glimmers” of light when your patients see and feel nothing but darkness within them.

It requires accompanying our patients on emotional journeys that we ourselves may never have been on (and perhaps avoiding because we, too, are afraid to touch that guarded space within us).

It requires that we tend not just to our patients’ affective and relational wounds, but also to our own.

It requires an openness to love and be loved by our patients, even in our authentic moments of doubt or ambivalence.

In short, being an AEDP therapist requires the courage to practice from the “inside out.” Not an easy task.

In this workshop, we will explore in-depth how to bring our SELFs more fully into the therapeutic relationship in order to enhance, deepen and accelerate the healing process.

Through lecture, videotape, and a live demo you will see, hear, and witness how the most powerful tool in our clinical toolkit is our own embodied presence.

In this workshop, which welcomes practitioners who are both new to and already familiar with AEDP, you will be able to:

• Practice your ability to be more present, engaged, and attuned in your work with patients

• Integrate the power of your whole Self, viscerally impacted by your patients’ histories and core affective  experiences, to guide your interventions

• Accelerate, enhance and complete the healing process by “leading” more and advocating more fiercely on behalf of your patients

• Sharpen your moment-to-moment tracking skills focusing on words, affect, and the body

Including a live demonstration of therapy



SueAnne Piliero, Ph.D, has been working with Dr. Diana Fosha, the founder of AEDP, for nearly 20 years. She is senior faculty and a founding member of the AEDP Institute. Dr. Piliero travels nationally and internationally to teach AEDP to a broad range of clinical audiences. She has given seminars and experiential workshops to various universities and health organizations nationwide. She is a lead trainer and a well sought after individual and small group consultant for clinicians around the world.

She is known for her warm, open, engaging teaching style and her ability to communicate complex topics with humor and clarity. Her clinical work, which you will see via videotape of actual sessions, powerfully demonstrates how even the most traumatized patients can be transformed.

Dr. Piliero received her doctorate from Adelphi University, and her master’s degree in human development and psychology from Harvard. Her clinical interests and specialties are in trauma, PTSD, dissociation, and the ways in which the mind, body, spirit is powerfully poised to transform them.

In addition to AEDP, Dr. Piliero is trained in Somatic Experiencing. She teaches, supervises and is in private practice in New York City.

Mastery Class and Supervision Workshop

sunday, september 23, 2018 - 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

This workshop will allow for a more in-depth discussion about what therapeutic presence means and how to strengthen your ability to be more present, engaged, and make more explicit use of your own emotional experience in your work with patients.

We will also explore the ways in which your own “affect phobias” and discomfort with intense emotions, emotional closeness and self regard may be impacting your clinical work.

This is an advanced training for those who have attended the AEDP Immersion or Advanced Skills courses. The group is limited to 25 and there will be an opportunity for 3-5 participants to show tape of their work and receive thoughtful feedback from SueAnne Piliero.

Participants should bring video of work with patients in which they are struggling, feeling challenged, or stuck in some way. Equally welcome is videotape that shows work that you feel is flowing nicely and want to find ways to deepen the affective experience. A strong emphasis will be placed on creating safety within the group and especially for those who are presenting. 

Spring 2018 - Training Series

Neuroplasticity in Action:  Rewiring Internal Working Models of Attachment

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Ronald J. Frederick, PHD

Saturday, April 28, 2018- 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Early lessons about emotion and connection form instructional blueprints that get stored in memory systems outside of our awareness. Left unchallenged, they persist into adulthood and directly affect the ways we respond to our emotions and how we interact in our intimate relationships.  With its focus on the here-and-now relational experience, Accelerated Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is ideally suited to unlocking and reworking internal working models of attachment.  This workshop will focus on both the theory and technique of AEDP making extensive use of videotaped clinical material.

By attending this workshop, you will be able to: 

  1. Explain the clinical implications of affective neuroscience and attachment studies.

  2. Understand and demonstrate how the emotional engagement of the therapist can be used to promote a corrective relational experience.

  3. Demonstrate interventions to melt defenses, reduce and transform anxiety, and facilitate emotional healing.

  4. Help your clients break free from old patterns and realize a broader range of personal and relational possibilities.


Ronald J. Frederick, PhD, is a licensed psychologist whose career has focused on the transforming power of emotional and relational experience.  He is a Founding and Senior Faculty member of the AEDP Institute, co-founder of the Center for Courageous Living in Beverly Hills, CA, and author of the award-winning book Living Like You Mean It (Jossey-Bass, 2009). Extensively trained by Dr. Diana Fosha, the developer of AEDP, he has been practicing and teaching AEDP for over twenty years and is actively involved in the training and supervision of psychotherapists internationally.  In addition, Dr. Frederick is a certified EMDR consultant.  Noted for his warmth, humor, and engaging presentation style, Dr. Frederick regularly leads workshops at the Cape Cod Institute, the Kripalu Center, and the Esalen Institute, has provided professional trainings for the Lifespan Learning Institute, CA, Professional Psych Seminars (PPS), and Premier Education Solutions (PESI), and frequently speaks to national, state, and local organizations.  He is currently working on his second book, Loving Like You Mean It (Central Recovery Press, 2018).  

Mastery Class and Supervision Workshop

Sunday, April 29, 2018 - 9:00am - 5:00 pm

The work of AEDP requires that we, as clinicians, have a deep understanding of how our own early attachment experiences may play a role in our work with clients.  In this AEDP Master Class with Dr. Ron Frederick, we will explore how we can more reliably identify and make use of our own felt experience to affect growth, healing, and change with our clients.  Through lecture, videotape clinical material, and individual supervision in a group context, you will have the opportunity and space to sensitize yourself to and learn how to make optimal use of your feelings while increasing your capacity for emotional presence and relational work.  We will pay special attention to identifying out attachment related experience, increasing our ability to manage emotional reactions and triggers, navigate and make sense of challenging moments in treatment, and maintain an open, grounded presence.  In addition, we will explore ways in which we can bring our authentic selves more fully into the therapeutic encounter that can enliven, deepen, and accelerate the process.  You will leave this master class with an expanded repertoire of tools to transform both your life and clinical work.  

This is an advanced training event for those who have attended the AEDP Immersion or Essential Skills courses. The group is limited to 25 and there will be the opportunity for a few participants (3-4) to show tape of their work and receive feedback from Ron Frederick. Participants should bring video of work with clients in which they are struggling, stuck, or feeling challenged in some way.  Equally welcome is a tape that shows work you are very proud of and want to understand more deeply. A strong emphasis will be placed on creating safety and an open-hearted atmosphere as we all share transformance strivings, of both our clients and ourselves.

Note: If you are new to AEDP we recommend attending the following introductory workshop on the evening of April 27/18. You may also attend the evening on it's own. 

Healing Attachment Wounds: Introduction to Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) 

Friday, April 27, 2018 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm



Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) engages clients in the process of healing from the first moment of therapy. AEDP focuses on somatic experience, emotion and the therapy relationship to melt defences, process emotion that is frozen and awaken innate healing energy. Karen will present the four-state model of change and the very unique elements that AEDP brings that accelerate healing. Videotape of a therapy session will demonstrate how Karen applies AEDP with a client to help him move from a distant and defended stance to softening and the release of emotion. You will leave this two-hour workshop with some practical and powerful skills for your work as a therapist. For more information on AEDP see www.aedpinstitute.org


Dr. Kranz has been a psychologist in private practice in Vancouver Canada since 2000. Her areas of interest in AEDP are making the work with clients and therapists increasingly more relational and experiential. She is continually challenged and intrigued by core and pathogenic emotions and has completed the first draft of a paper about pathogenic affect with the working title of “Rock Logic & Rabbit Holes: The Phenomenology of Pathogenic State of Consciousness & its Impact on the Therapist’s State of Consciousness and Therapist-Client Intersubjectivity.”

After the Immersion course, she began supervision with Dr. Fosha. "At that time, all that interested me was becoming a better clinician, AEDP certification as a therapist and supervisor and becoming faculty were never my ambitions. However, as I deepened into both my knowledge and experience of AEDP and in the AEDP community, I realized that it was through the process of certification as a therapist, as a supervisor, and now with teaching and writing that I was becoming a better therapist."

With AEDP, Dr. Kranz says she "found a therapeutic home and a community of colleagues when I did not even know I was looking for one, or perhaps more aptly wasn’t looking for one because I did not believe such a home existed."

Dr. Kranz has assisted and taught in Immersion, Essentials Skills (ES1) and Advanced Skills (ES2) courses nationally and internationally, as well as given workshops in the US and Europe. Her most recent paper is “Making AEDP supervision relational and experiential: Cultivating receptive affective capacity in supervisee and client.”

AEDP: An Overview from the Ground Up

Friday, February 2, 2018, and

Friday, November 2, 2018

Richard Harrison, PhDCertified AEDP Therapist & SupervisorCertified EFT Therapist & Supervisor

Richard Harrison, PhD

Certified AEDP Therapist & Supervisor

Certified EFT Therapist & Supervisor

This 1-day workshop is designed for clinicians who are new to AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), as well as people who have trained in the model and want to refresh and enhance their skills and understanding. Richard will distill and clarify key concepts and interventions at the heart of this intuitively appealing yet complex and powerful way of working.

Together we will explore and discover how:
• dyadic regulation of affect
• experiential/somatic work
• processing core adaptive emotions to completion
all within the safety of the therapy relationship, unleash a transformational spiral of accelerated healing and quantum change. This deep process enhances our clients’ sense of connection with self and others, heals attachment wounds, and empowers people to live more freely and fully.
The workshop incorporates:
- Engaging lecture and interactive discussion
- Video examples of AEDP therapy sessions with clients with different attachment presentations
- Small group experiential activities

Learning Goals and Objectives
Participants will:
1. Gain a clear overview of the theory, maps, and therapist stance that undergird and guide  AEDP  practice and the transformational process

2. Discover the healing power of explicit relational interventions

3. Understand AEDP’s Triangle of Experience and how it informs important clinical choice points

4. Learn powerful new ways to facilitate, deepen, and strengthen change for the better through
   meta-therapeutic processing

5. Practice key intervention skills

About Richard

Richard Harrison is a Registered Psychologist with over 20 years experience as a clinician, educator, and group facilitator. He is known for his clarity, openness, and engaging style as a presenter. Richard teaches and supervises graduate students in Counselling Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia and maintains a full clinical caseload with individuals and couples at the Vancouver Couple & Family Institute. He has authored publications on psychotherapy, supervision, and therapist self-care in professional journals. Richard was trained and supervised in AEDP by Dr. Diana Fosha, founder of the model. He genuinely delights in helping people grow and thrive in their personal and professional lives.


Experience of Awe in Psychotherapy: Working with Spirituality in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, and

Introduction to AEDP + Master Class

September 8 -10, 2017 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Dr Danny Yeung, MD

Dr Danny Yeung, MD

In this workshop, presenter Danny Yeung, MD, will demonstrate how, in AEDP, awe and spiritual experience can emerge as part of the healing process. Through lecture and video illustrations of clinical sessions, Dr. Yeung will provide a theoretical framework of AEDP and the essential skills required to accompany the client through the transformational process, where regulated by the emotional presence of a caring and empathic therapist, the patient emerges from the experience with a sense of relief, lightness and hope. 

Dr. Yeung will pay particular attention to the Third and Fourth States of the model. The Third State, focusing on the experience of transformation includes the emotional pain of mourning-the-self, the emergence of healing affects, and a new understanding of Self and other.  State Four, Core State, the grand finale of an AEDP session, follows on the heels of the third state transformation. Phenomenologically akin to an aesthetic experience, core state is marked by emotional serenity, wisdom, the sense of things being ‘right’ and the truth sense. Enriched with mental clarity and coherence, experiencing core state is, in turn, another golden opportunity for the patient to create a new, adaptive and transcending autobiographical narrative.

Dr. Yeung will also be addressing the application AEDP to Asian cultures from his extensive work and experience in expanding AEDP to therapists in Shanghai & Hong Kong China.

Workshop Outline:

Participants will learn about:

  1. The Frame: An overview of theory and practice of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)

  2. The Tree: The rich and complex theoretical roots of AEDP including attachment theory, emotions theory and neuroscience.

  3. The Drive: Transformance as the overarching drive for healing and transformation in AEDP

  4. The Map: Phenomenology of four states and three state transformations of AEDP.

  5. The Set: An overview of the set of essential skills for AEDP with focus on the horizontal and vertical interventions

  6. Moment-to-moment AEDP work as illustrated through video of an actual clinical treatment with emergence of the phenomenology of awe and spirituality.

Learning Objectives:

  1. After the workshop, participants will be able to:

  2. Have a deeper understanding of how to apply the AEDP model in therapy.

  3. Track moment-to-moment the 4 States and 3 States Transformation

  4. Track moment-to-moment the Triangle of Experience

  5. Harness the healing power of aesthetic / spiritual experience in psychotherapy

Presenter Bio:

Danny Yeung MD CCFP CGPP FCFP, Chair of International Development and Senior Faculty of the AEDP Institute, is a trainer and supervisor of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) for post-graduate mental health professionals in Hong Kong, China, and Canada. 

An Assistant Professor with the Department of Psychiatry in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Danny also serves as a Consultant Physician / Psychotherapist of Assertive Community Treatment Team and Mental Health Court Support Program for the Department of Psychiatry of Mount Sinai Hospital. His unique contribution as a family doctor and a psychotherapist in the ACT Team, unparalleled globally, was instrumental in helping his team to win the American Psychiatric Foundation Advancing Minority Mental Health Award in 2007 and the Leading Practices Award presented by Ontario Hospital Association in 2007. He was also personally honoured with the Joel Sadavoy Community Mental Health Award for 2011, Award of Excellence from the College of Family Physicians of Canada for 2012 and Peter R. Newman Humanitarian Award for 2013.

Danny is the lead author of Rainbow After: Psychological Trauma and Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, arguably one of the original trauma treatment manual published in Chinese. Together with Dr. Diana Fosha, he also coauthored a chapter in the Casebook of Psychotherapy Integration, published by American Psychological Association and the entry for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy in The Sage Encyclopedia of Theory in Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Danny has trained and supervised, since 2005, over 300 mental health clinicians,  including social workers, counsellors, psychologists and psychiatrists in Hong Kong in AEDP. He founded the AEDP Training Program in Hong Kong, fostered the birth of the AEDP Supervisors in Hong Kong. He is the co-founder of the AEDP Training Program in mainland China with Dr. Diana Fosha and Dr. Jacquie H. Perman.

Note: If you are new to AEDP we recommend attending the following introductory workshop on the evening of Sept 8/17. You may also attend the evening on it's own. 

Healing Attachment Wounds: Introduction to Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) 

Friday, September 8, 2017 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Dale Trimble, MA, RCC

Dale Trimble, MA, RCC

Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) engages clients in the process of healing from the first moment of therapy. AEDP focuses on somatic experience, emotion and the therapy relationship to melt defences, process emotion that is frozen and awaken innate healing energy. Dale will present the four-state model of change and the very unique elements that AEDP brings that accelerate healing. Videotape of a therapy session will demonstrate how Dale applies AEDP with a client to help him move from a distant and defended stance to softening and the release of emotion. You will leave this two-hour workshop with some practical and powerful skills for your work as a therapist. For more information on AEDP see www.aedpinstitute.org . 

Presenter Bio

Dale Trimble received his M.A. in Humanistic Psychology from Antioch University in 1977.  When Dale first connected with AEDP in 2009 he knew that he had found his therapeutic home. Since then he has trained extensively in AEDP with Diana Fosha and Ben Lipton.  Dale travels throughout North America teaching as a faculty member with the AEDP Institute. In 1981 Dale co-founded the first court ordered treatment program for men who assault their partners in the province of British Columbia. He was the lead author of the Canadian syllabus for CP 602 – The Psychology of Trauma and Interpersonal Violence for City University of Seattle, Vancouver, BC campus, where Dale has taught and supervised graduate students. Known as a Canadian expert on working with men, Dale has travelled throughout Canada providing training for therapists on compassionate ways of helping men change. In 2003-04 Dale was the recipient of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, President’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Profession. Dale has a private practice in Vancouver, BC where he works with individuals and couples, focusing on resolution of early childhood trauma, anxiety, interpersonal violence and depression. His background includes extensive training in Emotionally Focused Couples therapy, EMDR and the clinical application of meditation and mindfulness practices to healing.

Master Class and Supervision Workshop

Sunday, September 10, 2017 - 9:00am - 5:00 pm

This is an advanced training event for those who have attended the AEDP Immersion or Essential Skills courses. The group is limited to 25 and there will be the opportunity for a few participants (3-4) to show tape of their work and receive feedback from Danny Yeung and Dale Trimble. Your tapes do not need to have State 3 & 4 work as a focus. They can be of a client you are struggling with how to engage more deeply. Equally welcome is a tape that shows work you are very proud of and want to understand more deeply. A strong emphasis will be placed on creating safety and an open-hearted atmosphere as we all share transformance strivings, of both our clients and ourselves.