“I love that there are consistent salons and as a new therapist that they are inexpensive. Very warm and welcoming community. “ (participant at one of our recent Salons)

AEDP VANCOUVER SALONS are held three times at year. You are welcome to attend if you have attended many AEDP trainings, only a few or are brand new. We are confident that you will find something of value in the presentations and will enjoy our warm and vibrant community. 

The AEDP approach is inspiring and affirming in the way it honours our relationship to our clients in the moment and engages the positive "transformance strivings" that are always available. AEDP is deceptively simple and can be challenging to integrate. The "Salon" is intended to provide a supportive community as we develop our skills. Topics may be as far ranging as responding to defenses, knowing where you are in the process of therapy or sharing the impact of working as an AEDP therapist on ourselves, and especially just being together to share the journey.

Please note: In order to protect client confidentiality, registration for Salons is limited to people who have the training and educational qualifications to legally practice as a mental health practitioner, or who are enrolled in formal training  to work in the field.

AEDP Vancouver is committed to promoting inclusiveness in our profession and countering systemic barriers to participation. If the registration fee for the salon is a barrier or obstacle to attending please contact us directly at


The AEDP Vancouver Committee is excited to invite you to an

in-person gathering on

Saturday, September 28th, 2024

10:00 am -12:30 pM

237 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.

Meet Kallista

Kallista is a Registered Psychologist with a PhD in Clinical Psychology from Simon Fraser University. She specialized in child clinical psychology and is passionate about working with all ages from an attachment and relational perspective. Currently, she practices in the Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, focusing on attachment and relational trauma, military veterans, first responders, and PTSD. Trained in various experiential models, including Emotion Focused Therapy and EMDR, Kallista discovered AEDP in 2021 and fully immersed herself in the model. She is a Level 3 AEDP therapist pursuing certification with the AEDP Institute and is dedicated to sharing the transformative power of AEDP with her colleagues.


In this Salon, Kallista will bring her work with a female military veteran with severe existential anxiety. In this heartfelt session, Kallista weaves AEDP interventions into working with unbearable aloneness and the patient’s fear of being “too much”. Kallista brings her tender warmth and an unwavering relational approach to invite her patient to deepen into her feared emotions and allow her core self to be seen. We will witness Kallista’s therapeutic presence as she navigates when to make space for experience and when to intervene.  She creates gentle space for her patient to explore her raw experience through sensation and S-L-O-W-I-N-G down.

Through group metaprocessing Kallista will invite us to reflect on therapeutic presence, co-regulation, and moment to moment tracking in the therapeutic dyad.

Register Here




The AEDP Vancouver Committee is excited to invite you to an

in-person gathering on

Saturday April 27th, 2024

10:00 am -12:30 pM

237 East 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.

From an artist to an art therapist - a caregiving journey of reclaiming self through movement and symbolism

Yoko Gifford is an RCC, CCC and a Professional Art Therapist in a private practice in Abbotsford, BC. She is a level 2 AEDP therapist who is committed to pursuing the AEDP certification process. 

There are more to the state 2 core affective experiences than categorical emotions. Yoko invites us to witness, track and reflect together on what markers of the state 2 experiences are present, as her client leans into her adaptive action tendency through a variety of channels of experience. 

Get ready to be open, wonder and experience the possibilities of how creativity can be incorporated into AEDP sessions. 

About Yoko Gifford:

Yoko graduated from Adler University with a Master of Counselling Psychology and Art Therapy. She has been on a personal journey of unlearning to assimilate and learning to embrace who she is as a Japanese identified Person of Colour while finding her sense of belonging in a white dominant community. Parallel with her identity journey, she is also learning to step out of conformity and expectations of what art should look like, and learning to play and accept her creative expression as an extension of self as an Art Therapist. For Yoko, AEDP has been both personally and professionally instrumental in mobilizing her self agency and reclaiming her core self. Yoko enjoys working with clients experiencing grief and those who are on the path to re-discover themselves through both AEDP therapy and the creative process of Art Therapy. 

Cost: $10-$15 donation at the door is appreciated.

Please note that space for this gathering is limited, so register if you are committed to attending or cancel your registration if you cannot join us.

Register Here


September 28th - Kallista Bell presenting.

November 16th - Sarah Pullman and Tracey Dahl presenting



10:00 AM -12:30 PM


As this is the first in-person gathering since 2020, it feels right to begin by holding space together: to connect with colleagues and be 'shoulder to shoulder' again. Together, in the emergent bottom-up spirit of AEDP, we will mingle over coffee and have a circle dedicated to undoing our aloneness as clinicians, along with sharing in and vision planning for the future of our local AEDP community.

Please bring your inspiration about what AEDP means to you. What do you need from or offer to the local AEDP community? Many possibilities await to notice how we are in this work together.

We want to introduce ourselves as the Vancouver AEDP Committee and invite you to join us in co-creating our community. Let's get the heart of AEDP beating again here in Vancouver and BC!


Saturday, February 26, 2022 - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Ella Bolourian, MA, MC, RCC

Certified AEDP Therapist

State One Interventions: Helping ClientS to Feel Safe and Secure

Our AEDP State 1 interventions aim to entrain transformance strivings and the patient’s self-at-best via the therapist’s leading with her/his own self-at-best. In this presentation, Ella will share videotape of a session with a client with a history of complex trauma. Together we will witness and discuss how Ella’s therapeutic presence, moment-to-moment tracking, and attunement co-create safety in the dyad; and her timely, experiential and relational interventions lead to new, emergent experiences of connection, positive affective experiences, and transformance-based processes that feed the transformational spiral in State 1 and 2, and through to State 3 and 4. We will be invited to reflect and discuss how to foster therapeutic presence in working with our clients as well as how to work with challenges we may experience in bringing our full, embodied presence to the therapeutic process.

About Ella Bolourian:

Ella is a Registered Clinical Counsellor ( RCC) and a Certified AEDP therapist. She specialises in Complex Trauma and sees clients in private practice in Vancouver, Canada. After beginning her AEDP studies in 2017 and immediately becoming an AEDP client, she decided to fully immerse herself in the learning and embodying of the model while experiencing the personal and professional transformative power of AEDP. Ever since, she’s assisted at various ES1 and ES2 and Immersion training across Canada and US and she continues to feel the passion and dedication for sharing the ethos of AEDP with the community of aedpers.

Please complete the INFORMATION & PRIVACY AGREEMENT (Add Name & click Agree at the bottom of the form) in order to be admitted to the Salon.

The Zoom link with be provided to registrants in an email prior to the event.

virtual Salon

Saturday, October 2, 2021 - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm


Richard Harrison, PhD    AEDP Certified Therapist & Supervisor

Richard Harrison, PhD

AEDP Certified Therapist & Supervisor

Being together in the Strangeness of Positive Change

Together we will view and discuss State 3 AEDP work with a relatively new patient who experienced a powerful sense of freedom and accomplishment early in treatment, after having processed emotions related to an abusive romantic relationship, for which she had always held herself to blame. We will witness and identify emergent State 3 transformational affects (pride and joy, gratitude and awe, tremulousness, grief for self, realization, enlivenment) that spontaneously arise through metaprocessing, as well as the patient’s inner working models of attachment, which begin to shift before our eyes. We will also explore important choice points that arise for the therapist in the unfolding transformational process.

Registration is Free.

The Zoom link with be provided to registrants in an email prior to the event.


SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2020 - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Our world has changed dramatically since we last met in February. And we are still here--wanting more than ever to connect with you! We would like to hear how you are doing in the current situation and how you are adapting to moving your practices online. We also want to hear what your interests and desires might be for future AEDP Cascadia-hosted Salons and events.

To that end, we will be hosting a virtual Salon on Sunday, May 17th from 10-12:30. Congruent with the AEDP model, our intention is to offer a shared experience of undoing aloneness - that of our professional community - in the current pandemic. This Salon is intended to be an opportunity for mutual support - not a therapy group.

Due to the limitations of technology and a desire to maintain a sense of intimacy, participation will be capped at 20 participants. There is no cost for registration.

Attunement in Action: AEDP With Youth

Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Presented by:

Wendy Belter, MA, CCC

Wendy Belter, MA, CCC

Robin Huppmann (M.A., R.C.C., C.C.C)

Robin Huppmann (M.A., R.C.C., C.C.C)

Young people today are suffering -- perhaps more than at any other time in recent history. In survey after survey, youth report sky-high levels of anxiety and epidemic rates of loneliness and despair.

In this salon, through the lens of AEDP, Robin Huppmann and Wendy Belter will share their 39 collective years of experience working with adolescents and young adults.

They will discuss some of the therapeutic dynamics and considerations specific to working with teens and young adults. For example, how do we work deeply -- yet safely -- with trauma, especially when youth are usually still financially dependent upon their parents and/or living at home? And how can we leverage the neuroplasticity of the still-developing brain for maximum healing and growth?

By showing a segment of a therapy session, each clinician will illustrate some approaches to working with youth, as well as the importance of deep attunement in AEDP -- for all ages. They will leave ample time for discussion.


Wendy Belter: Wendy is a Canadian Certified Counsellor and a Level III AEDP therapist, with a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology from the University of British Columbia (1996). She has worked in post-secondary counselling for 23 years and established a private practice in Surrey, BC in 2015. Her areas of clinical expertise include but are not limited to the treatment of anxiety, depression, and trauma, and she focuses on understanding and healing the underlying causes of distress rather than on merely treating the symptoms themselves. Her therapeutic approach integrates Mindful Self-Compassion with Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP), in which she has received extensive training and supervision since 2012. Her approach is informed by research on attachment and the neuroscience of emotion processing and emotion regulation. She practices from a place of cultural humility and curiosity. On a daily basis, Wendy is humbled by and grateful for the opportunity to enter the worlds of adolescents, adults and couples to help them heal and grow.

Robin Huppmann: It all started in 2012 when Robin Huppmann saw his first video of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Therapy (AEDP). His immediate thought was, "I want to learn how to do that!" which led him to the process of learning about how we can transform negative experiences into just something that happened. Some of his most fulfilling experiences are to celebrate these transformations with his clients. 

Robin enjoys working with children, teenagers, and young adults; modeling for them and teaching them what to do when emotions are overwhelming and connecting with others in a meaningful and caring way.  He believes in the healing power of the developing mind when it is supported by and attuned with a caring person.

 In 2014, Robin was asked to develop a high school program that focused on students healing and growing with each other. The students were able to face their psychosocial and emotional concerns in a therapeutic space that provided connection, kindness, and support, while still attending school. Working in the school system, Robin realized that teenagers faced immense challenges alone that could easily compound into anxiety and depression. He believes that sadness and stress are a part of life and invites his students to let him accompany them on the difficult parts of their journeys to adulthood. 

 Recently, Robin joined the counselling team at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and he also maintains a private practice at Core Counselling in Maple Ridge, where he tends to the inner children of his primarily adult clients.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Joelle Lazar


Joelle Lazar, MA, RCC

Joelle will present her AEDP work with a client whose internal working model is “I need to shut down my emotions or I will lose control.” Joelle will show video segments that highlight accessing and processing of State 2 emotional and somatic experience, as well as efforts to promote State 3 meta processing of transformational experiences.

About the presenter:

Joelle Lazar, MA, RCC, is in private practice in False Creek, Vancouver. Since her first salon in 2014, and subsequent supervision, Immersion, and Core Training, AEDP's unique map has helped Joelle to access her authentic self, develop greater emotional attunement, and to feel energized by her work. Individuals, couples, and families who seek relief from trauma, somatic disorders, anxiety, depression, mood and personality disorders experience Joelle as warm, compassionate, and committed to their needs and goals. In addition to AEDP, her practice is influenced by Jungian Depth Psychology, and Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. For more information on Joelle, please visit

Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Jennie Campbell

Using Fierce Love to build Client Hope and Resilience


Jennie Campbell is a Counsellor at Kwantlen Polytechnic University and has been training in AEDP since 2014. She has been inspired by her recent ES2 training in NY, and in this Salon, will be showing segments of her client tape of a young female, who is living with family dysfunction and struggling to create a sense of her own identity. Jennie attempts to foster the client’s transformance strivings towards individuation, using fierce love.

Saturday, FEBRUARY 23, 2019

Dale Trimble, MA, RCC

Dale Trimble, MA, RCC

Magnificent Healing Through AEDP

AEDP's Magnificent Nine Change Mechanisms is a new scale in the AEDP world for use in supervision, self-reflection and research. Dale will present an overview of the scale with handouts so you can follow along. Dale will then show a tape of his work with a patient and host a discussion inviting participants to track their somatic, emotional and cognitive responses (applying the nine change mechanisms). You will leave the salon with increased ability to track your own AEDP interventions (or at least having enjoyed some very good coffee and muffins).

Dale Trimble, MA, RCC is senior faculty with the AEDP Institute. In 2004 he was the recipient of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, President’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Profession. He was the lead author of the Canadian syllabus for CP 602 – The Psychology of Trauma and Interpersonal Violence for City University, Vancouver, BC

Dale is known as a Canadian expert on working with men and has travelled throughout Canada and the U.S providing training for therapists on compassionate ways of helping men change. He maintains a private practice in Vancouver as a therapist and clinical supervisor.

 Sunday, november 18, 2018

Christian Monks, RCC

Christian Monks, RCC

Dancing with Defences Dyadically

Christian is a Registered Clinical Counsellor in private practice in Vancouver. He began training in AEDP in 2014 and is drawn to its ability to bring about progressive transformational experiences for client and therapist alike. As a long time meditation practioner, Christian is struck by the similarity of working with one’s mind and the AEDP therapeutic stance of being open, curious and accepting one moment to the next.

Christian will present a clip of a client video session that struggles with perfectionism and a critical mind. These defences adversely impact her relationships and her ability to enjoy life. Her internal working model is when she needs help that she is weak as that was what was communicated to her while growing up; so she struggles with taking in with the therapist’s care. To better understand the session and the AEDP approach, Christian will begin the presentation by briefly outlining the Triangle of Experience and list some common defences before detailing some of the therapeutic interventions used in session, which include moment to moment tracking, affective self-disclosure, parts work and a portrayal. Christian will welcome group discussion and reflections on his work.

 SUNDAY, APRIL 8, 2018


Goretti Faria, MSW, RCSW, CCC

Goretti is a Registered Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Fort Langley, BC.  After beginning her AEDP studies in 2014 Goretti has experienced the personal and professional transformative power of the model.  She has been deeply appreciative of her clients’ trust in the safety and efficacy of the collaborative process which, simultaneously, has inspired her to be brave in accompanying her clients through the co-created and mutually transformative journey.  

In this presentation, Goretti will show a video taped session with a 35 year old woman with a long history of emotional neglect and deprivation who, consequently, struggles with shame, avoidance, and difficulty letting in love and care (receptive affective capacity).  Goretti will focus on the importance of the relational aspect of the model and the therapist’s use of self in managing anxiety and the co-engendering of secure attachment and positive valuation of the self.  She will review the various triangles used in AEDP to illustrate the synergistic interaction of emotions, attachment, and transformation both intra-psychically and inter-personally, as they appear in this piece of work.  She will invite group reflection, discussion, and access to transformance strivings in ourselves as we witness those of this courageous client.  

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Dr. Douglas Ozier

Dr. Douglas Ozier

Dr. Douglas Ozier is a registered psychologist who works in full time private practice in Vancouver. He has been studying AEDP since 2011 and finds that it offers him a rich therapeutic home.  In this salon Douglas will show video from a session with a 30-year-old male client who presents with issues of anxiety, interpersonal avoidance, and chronic procrastination. Douglas will briefly review the AEDP 4 state model.  He will then show portions of the session, inviting the group to offer responses and to collaboratively reflect on the client’s movement through the four states.