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Salon: State One Interventions: Helping Clients to Feel Safe and Secure

Presenter: Ella Bolourian, MA, MC, RCC

Our AEDP State 1 interventions aim to entrain transformance strivings and the patient’s self-at-best via the therapist’s leading with her/his own self-at-best. In this presentation, Ella will share videotape of a session with a client with a history of complex trauma. Together we will witness and discuss how Ella’s therapeutic presence, moment-to-moment tracking, and attunement co-create safety in the dyad; and her timely, experiential and relational interventions lead to new, emergent experiences of connection, positive affective experiences, and transformance-based processes that feed the transformational spiral in State 1 and 2, and through to State 3 and 4. We will be invited to reflect and discuss how to foster therapeutic presence in working with our clients as well as how to work with challenges we may experience in bringing our full, embodied presence to the therapeutic process.